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What's new in Optiseller - June 2024

Find out about our latest product changes and when features come out.

Increase Sales with GS1 Report
GS1 Report now includes additional data points based on feedback from our customers

Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs – e.g. EAN, UPC, Brand MPN) are really important on eBay, and in ecommerce in general. Applying accurate GTINs to your listings increases the visibility on eBay and beyond, including google shopping and general SEO.

This increases sales of your products. Optiseller provides reports that highlight where you are missing important GTINs, and also where you potentially have invalid GTINs working in partnership with GS1.

Sign in & check it out!
Image of Store Performance Dashbpard sreen
YouLend Logo
YouLend Loans
Optiseller are giving merchants an opportunity to pre qualify for a loan from £500 to £1million, with YouLend

YouLend provide short term loans to eBay merchants allowing them to grow their business faster by spending on stock, upgrading technology or spending on marketing activity and is typically repaid as a percentage of your eBay sales.

To be eligible, you will need to be: An existing merchant, Be on eBay for 3 months, Selling at least £500 GMV per month and you don’t have an existing advance with YouLend

Once you have signed up, you will receive an Optiseller Essential Plan, with 3-months free access included (normally £238). So you can explore the range of Optiseller tools.

Apply now!
Top Tips & Tricks
When you drill down on the Store Performance Dashboard, you can get detailed insights on how to optimise your listings directly?

The "Not met" link shows you the total to see the affected listings. From here, you can access:

  • Category details – to understand the keywords and buyer behaviour within the listing category
  • Top Performing – review competitor listings and get insights on titles, keywords and pricing
  • OptiRating – check out how we score your listing with suggestions on areas to improve sales
Sign in & see your listing score
Image of top tips and tricks

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