Asia Pacific
One week on...
Time really does fly when you’re rushed off your feet fulfilling orders... It is now a week on from Cyber Monday, and the Black Friday panic is now over with as you are now fully immersed in the chaos that is the lead up to Christmas.
We thought now would be a good time to take a step back, and check in to see how our customers got on over the first big weekend of this Peak Trade season. We have to say, we are very proud to see these impressive stats coming through, and we’d like to think we were able to lend you a hand in preparing you for the occasion!
What are we looking at?
We looked at our customers’ KPIs on their eBay stores and compared them to last year. There was so much to take in and while we could spend all day chatting all things data, we thought that seeing the key points would give you the motivation to keep doing what you’re doing and optimising your store’s data, because as you can see, it really does work!
Our key takeaways
When we look at the results year on year, we are delighted to see everything is going in the right direction! All of the hard work sellers have put in to create the best shopping experience for customers has certainly paid off as we can see through the conversions and GMV (Gross Merchandise Value).
What next?
There is plenty of work that can be done to keep listings fresh and up to date, if you are looking to replicate some of these results, check out our Preparing for Peak Trade series. We can’t wait to see what you will all achieve as you push to reach your end-of-year targets. If you’re looking for an extra boost as 2023 approaches, sign up for a 7 day free trial to the plan of your choice and see what the Optiseller tools can do for you.